Kobudo classes in Singapore


Kenshin-Ryu Kobudo

Kenshin-ryū is a style of Okinawan kobudō that focuses on the use of the  staff that is taught as a complementary style to Shito-ryū karate. As a supplementary style, it is known across the Japan, the US and Europe. 


Kobudo classes

Our classes run in a safe and conducive environment. 

Our classes are for:

  • Youngsters (7-15 years old)
  • Adults

We welcome everyone from all levels.

During the

Kobudo training

We not only learn how to use weapons but also how to defend against those weapons.

All the movements are strongly connected to karate…no wonder why Okinawan Karate and Kobudo should never be considered as two distinct things.

Each of them complements the other.

About the


In general, there are several weapons in this martial art, including Bo staffeku, etc.

We start with the Bo first, which allows us to build the foundation for handling a weapon. After mastering the basic skills, we also learn how our gained knowledge can be adapted to any weapon.

Kobudo grading

Belt system

In our kobudo class, as a beginner, everyone starts from the white belt (6th kyu in our Kenshin–ryu style) symbolizing the superficial knowledge of the given Kobudo style.

Later on, the deeper your knowledge is, the darker your belt becomes (until 1st kyu, which is the brown belt).

After we obtained all colored belts, we can aim for a black belt (1st dan) symbolizing that we have mastered all the basics and fundamentals of Kobudo with proficiency.


Our Instructors

Our instructors are all Kenshin-ryu Dan holders, they have acquired the Kenshin-ryu technique and are able to impart the right knowledge to our trainees.